§ DT-1. Derivation Table of 1970 Borough Code to 2012 Code.
Latest version.
NCM=Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).REP=NI=Not included in Code but saved from repeal.NLP=New legislation is pending.Chapter/Title From 1970 CodeLocation in 2012 CodeCh. 1, General ProvisionsArt. I, Adoption of CodeCh. 3, Alarm SystemsCh. 115Ch. 5, Alcoholic BeveragesArt. I, LicensesArt. II, Use by MinorsArt. III, Consumption in Public; Open ContainersArt. IV, Teen NightsArt. V, Consumption by Underaged Persons on Private PropertyCh. 6, Amusement GamesCh. 123Ch. 9, BeachesArt. I, Acquisition and OperationArt. II, Use of Motor Vehicles on BeachesArt. III, DunesArt. IV, Beach FiresCh. 10, BicyclesArt. I, Condition and Operation RegulationsArt. II, Use on BoardwalksArt. III, Motorized BicyclesCh. 11, AssessorCh. 12, Board of HealthREPCh. 12A, BoatsArt. I, Storage of Boats or Watercraft Prohibited on the Borough's BayfrontArt. II, Mooring of Boats or WatercraftArt. III, Personal WatercraftCh. 13, BondsArt. I, Posting of Bonds Before Using Heavy Equipment on Public PropertyCh. 18, Buildings, Numbering ofCh. 163Ch. 19, Business HoursREPCh. 20, Claims ProceduresCh. 9Ch. 21, Construction Codes, UniformCh. 185Ch. 22, Court, MunicipalCh. 15Ch. 24, Custom Garment Fabrication BusinessREPCh. 25, Development RegulationsCh. 200Ch. 26, Dogs and Other AnimalsArt. I, Licensing of Dogs; Animal ControlArt. II, Proper Disposal of Pet Solid WasteArt. III, Wildlife FeedingCh. 28, Drug-Free ZonesCh. 209Ch. 30, Fees for Various ServicesArt. I, Miscellaneous FeesArt. II, Police FeesCh. 31, FirearmsCh. 233Ch. 32, Fire-Fighting Apparatus and EquipmentCh. 237Ch. 33, Fire PreventionCh. 242Ch. 33A, Fire ZonesCh. 248Ch. 37, Games of ChanceCh. 37A, Garage SalesCh. 260Ch. 38, Garbage, Trash and RecyclingCh. 390Ch. 39, Hawking, Peddling and SolicitingArt. I, Solicitation: Charitable, Patriotic or PhilanthropicArt. II, Public Boardwalks and BeachesArt. III, HoursREPArt. IV (Reserved)OmittedCh. 41, LitterCh. 288Ch. 43, Mercantile LicensesCh. 303Ch. 44, Local Assistance BoardCh. 39Ch. 44A, Marina UtilityCh. 293Ch. 45, Massage ParlorsCh. 297Ch. 47, Motor Vehicle and Trailer StorageArt. I (Reserved)OmittedArt. II (Reserved)OmittedArt. III, Sale of Motor VehiclesCh. 441Ch. 47A, NewsracksCh. 310Ch. 48, NoiseArt. I, General ProvisionsREPArt. II, Metered SoundCh. 314Ch. 49, NuisancesREPCh. 50, Offices and EmployeesArt. I, Sanitary EngineerREPArt. II, Tax Collector's OfficeArt. III, Public Works DirectorRepealed by Ord. No. 1508Art. IV (Reserved)OmittedArt. V, Office of the Borough ClerkArt. VI, Borough Attorney and Borough EngineerArt. VII, Borough AdministratorArt. VIII, Residency RequirementsCh. 71Art. IX, Sick Leave Trust FundCh. 86Art. X, Chief Financial OfficerArt. XI, Indemnification of OfficialsCh. 20Ch. 53, Peace and Good OrderArt. I, Disorderly ConductArt. II, Conduct in Public PlacesArt. III, Picnicking and Beach PartiesArt. IV, Gaming Houses and Houses of Ill FameArt. V, Use of Laser Beam DevicesCh. 54, PlaygroundsCh. 333Ch. 56, Police DepartmentArt. I (Untitled)Superseded by Ord. No. 1426; see now Ch. 62Art. II, Off-Duty Police EmploymentSuperseded by Ord. No. 1426; see now Ch. 62Ch. 58, Property MaintenanceCh. 350Ch. 59, Rental PropertyRepealed by Ord. No. 1589; see now Ch. 364Ch. 59A, Transfer of TitleArt. I, Permit for Continued OccupancyCh. 59B, Zoning Permit to Transfer TitleArt. I, Inspection of PropertyCh. 60, Salaries and WagesCh. 79Ch. 61, PersonnelSuperseded by Ord. No. 1481; see now Ch. 57Ch. 64, SmokingCh. 65, SignsSee Ch. 200Ch. 67, Storm SewersCh. 68, Streets and SidewalksArt. I, DrivewaysArt. II, Grass, Weeds and Other ImpedimentsArt. III, ExcavationsArt. IV, Driving Over, On, or Upon SidewalksArt. V, Stormwater Run-OffArt. VI, Casting of Snow or IceCh. 74, Tennis CourtsCh. 417, Art. ICh. 75, Unfit Dwellings and Dangerous StructuresCh. 156Ch. 76, Vehicles and TrafficPart 1, General Traffic RegulationsPart 2, Municipal Parking LotsPart 3, Emergency Parking RestrictionsPart 4, Parking MetersPart 5, Removal of Vehicles§§ 76-49 through 76-51§§ 76-51.1 through 76-51.18Ch. 424Part 6, Handicapped ParkingPart 7, Trailer Parking and StoragePart 8, Permit Only ParkingREPPart 9, Fire Company ParkingPart 10, Restricted Vehicle ParkingCh. 78, Water and SewersArt. I, Water-Sewer Utility DepartmentCh. 94Art. II, Sanitary Sewer: Connection and Installation of Service ConnectionsArt. III, Sewer Connection Specifications and RegulationsArt. IV, Water and Sewer RatesCh. 80, The Regulation of Certain Wharf LocationsCh. 458Ch. 81, Violations and PenaltiesAPPENDIXCh. A83, Cable Television FranchiseCh. A470Ch. A84, Communications Facilities Right-of-Way AgreementCh. A475